Useful links

Websites to help with living and working in Winchester and Hampshire

For links regarding how to become a resident or citizen in the UK, please see this page.

Links re elections and representatives

Elections and voting (Winchester)
Find out how your MP votes on the issues you care about.
Members of parliament
Members of the house of lords
Members of the European parliament

Other websites/groups that might be interesting to you

General community/migrant groups:

Twitter tip: follow the Win-IN Twitter groups! - Facebook tip: see our Win-IN pages feed!

Pro-EU groups (national level):

Twitter tip: follow the Win-IN Twitter groups! - Facebook tip: see our Win-IN pages feed!

More pro-EU groups and pages on Facebook:
(The table below really only shows a few of the groups in existence in the UK. If you are looking for more local anti-Brexit groups, then and this list on might help!)


Petition Signing
The 48% - And Beyond Petitions Sign & Share
Open parliament petitions